Friday, June 14, 2013

Meet Luz!

Hi my name Luz* and today I got to visit the PHOP clinic in Huandar. My mom brought me with my older sister and younger brother. They are both sick with the flu, so we got to the clinic early. My two siblings and my mom answered lots of questions and each got a form with funny words on it. We went to see a very nice doctor, Dr. Bhardwaj, who looked at my brother and sister. I answered as many questions as I could for them. After they were done, they got toothbrushes! I really wanted one! 

We waited around the clinic while my mom was seen by another doctor. I helped my brother and sister pick out really cool Toms shoes. I really wanted the shoes and the toothbrush, so I went back to the line and got a piece of paper too. And, school let out at noon, so all of my friends came to the clinic too! We all sat in a line and watched Dr. Bhardwaj examine patients. 

She had a helper named Devlin. I sounded out her name from her ID badge with the pretty picture. Devlin put medicine on the teeth of one boy in line. He sat on a chair in front of her and laid his head in her lap! I asked her if I could get some too. She said anyone between 6 and 12 years old, so I told her the ages of all of the kids in line. Since I am ten, I got some too! I sat on her lap and watched her make funny faces as she painted on the medicine with a little blue brush. It tasted bitter, but I didn't complain. Afterwards, I got my purple toothbrush and a new pair of shoes. I am so happy!
*names have been changed


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