Monday, October 15, 2012

2013 Applications!

We would like to announce that the application for this year's trip is now open!

We encourage all those interested to apply.  If you missed the informational meeting, please email us at the address below for a brochure.  Important details of the trip are summarized below. 

The general application is due December 14th at 6pm.
You can access the application here:  PHOP 2013 Application

If you have any questions/concerns, please direct them to

PHOP coordinators 2012

Trip Information:
-          Trip dates:
o   Sacred Valley: Jun 10th – July 5th , 2013
o   Chincha: June 24th – July 5th , 2013
o   2, 3, or 4 week options for students
-          First meeting dates (times and locations TBA):
o   November: 15th and 28th
o   December: 12th
-          Application information:
o   Deadline for general applications: December 14th
-          Requirements:
o   Spanish fluency (can be a beginner actively working on improving Spanish!)
o   Attendance at bimonthly meetings
o   Participation on planning committees
-          Approximate cost
          o   $1500 for 2 weeks, $2500 for 4 weeks (with potential partial reimbursement for student 